Trattamento FIVET

Comprende un’ampia gamma di metodi che prevedono la fecondazione extrauterina di ovuli con spermatozoi. La FIVET viene eseguita con cellule sessuali proprie o donate, a seconda delle capacità della coppia.

Trattamento FIVET

Comprende un’ampia gamma di metodi che prevedono la fecondazione extrauterina di ovuli con spermatozoi. La FIVET viene eseguita con cellule sessuali proprie o donate, a seconda delle capacità della coppia.

Vi mancano solo 3 visite per avere un bambino.

Scopri come funziona il trattamento di FIVET

Tasso di successo della FIVET

Il 99% delle coppie ottiene la gravidanza entro 4 cicli di FIVET.
Circa 7 coppie su 10 hanno bisogno di un solo ciclo di FIVET per ottenere una gravidanza.

Tuttavia, il tasso di successo della FIVET è molto individuale. Molti fattori giocano un ruolo importante: la salute generale, l’età, ma anche lo stato mentale.

Costo approssimativo

Nell’ambito del trattamento presso la nostra clinica, è possibile usufruire di diversi pacchetti di prezzi che includono vari esami, test genetici e metodi che aumentano le probabilità di gravidanza.

Il preventivo finale si basa sempre sulle raccomandazioni degli esperti e degli specialisti di FIVET.


Fissate una consulenza non vincolante con noi

Durante tutta la tua cura sarai accompagnato a dalla nostra coordinatrice che parla italiano.

Come funziona il trattamento FIVET

1. Consultazione iniziale

La consultazione iniziale è la porta d’accesso al trattamento di FIVET e dura circa 120 minuti.

Una volta fissato un appuntamento tramite il modulo di contatto, sarete contattate dalla nostra coordinatrice di lingua italiana che discuterà di tutto ciò che vi interessa. Non è necessario scegliere la data dell’appuntamento in base al ciclo mestruale, potete arrivare in qualsiasi momento. Non è necessario portare all’appuntamento i risultati dei altri esami.

Vi consigliamo di venire entrambi al appuntamento.

Per saperne di più sul appuntamento iniziale

In Repromeda non crediamo in un approccio unico. Riteniamo che ogni coppia sia unica, pertanto l’esame è individuale.

Per le donne, ci concentriamo principalmente sull’ecografia della piccola pelvi, sui test ormonali (femme test) e sui test genetici.

Per gli uomini, è essenziale uno spermiogramma, sulla base del quale suggeriremo l´azioni successive, e i test genetici.

Per saperne di più sulla prova di una donna

Per saperne di più sulla prova di un uomo


Ogni ciclo di FIVET comprende una stimolazione ormonale, che fa maturare nelle ovaie della donna un numero maggiore di ovuli rispetto a un ciclo naturale.

La stimolazione inizia il 2° o 3° giorno del ciclo mestruale e dura in totale 10-12 giorni. L’applicazione dei farmaci di stimolazione non è complicata. L’infermiera vi aiuterà con la prima dose e potrete facilmente gestire le successive a casa.

Per saperne di più sulla stimolazione

Per il prelievo utilizziamo un ago molto sottile che, grazie al diametro significativamente più piccolo della punta, penetra più delicatamente nei tessuti e quindi riduce al minimo il rischio di complicazioni. Il prelievo avviene a stomaco vuoto in anestesia generale che di solito non dura più di 10 minuti.

Dopo l’intervento si rilassa un puo e poi la paziente dopo circa un ora puo tornare accompagnata a casa.Gli ovuli prelevati vengono poi fecondati il giorno stesso e diventano embrioni.

Il prelievo avviene tramite masturbazione in un contenitore sterile dopo due o tre giorni di astinenza sessuale. Se vi è difficile ottenere un campione nella sala di raccolta, potete recarvi nella sala di raccolta in compagnia del vostro partner. È anche possibile portare lo sperma da un albergo, previo accordo.

Per saperne di più sulla raccolta

L’embriologo valuta la qualità degli ovuli e feconda ciascuno di essi con uno spermatozoo.

La fecondazione viene eseguita con metodi di micromanipolazione attiva (ICSI, PISCI), che aumentano notevolmente il tasso di successo della formazione degli embrioni.

Dopo la fecondazione, monitoriamo gli embrioni e ci occupiamo del loro sviluppo.

Coltiviamo l’embrione per 5-6 giorni fino allo stadio di blastocisti. L’incubatrice MIRI Time-lapse offre la migliore cura per gli embrioni.

Maggiori informazioni sulla fecondazione e la coltura degli ovociti

La crioconservazione, cioè il congelamento degli embrioni, consente di conservare gli embrioni per un uso futuro.. Gli embrioni congelati possono essere conservati per diversi decenni, scongelati e poi trasferiti nell’utero.

In caso del fallimento della FIVET o se si desidera avere un’altra gravidanza, non è poi piú necessario sottoporsi nuovamente al prelievo dei ovuli e spermatozoi.

Per congelare gli embrioni utilizziamo la tecnica più moderna, chiamata vitrificazione.Durante questo processo, gli embrioni vengono rapidamente raffreddati a una temperatura finale di -196 °C in pochi secondi.

Per saperne di più sulla crioconservazione

Il trasferimento dell’embrione avviene tramite una sottile cannula attraverso la cervice nell’utero.

Il trasferimento è di solito completamente indolore e cosí lei con il suo partner potete godervi il momento in cui può nascere una nuova vita.

Maggiori informazioni sul trasferimento di embrioni

Dopo il trasferimento, riposatevi, assiguratevi di stare al vostro agio e applicate i farmaci consigliati dal medico. Se non vi vengono le mestruazioni entro 14 giorni dal trasferimento del embrione, potete fare un test di gravidanza a casa.
Vi contatteremo dopo 14 giorni per discutere i passi successivi.

Ulteriori informazioni

Metodi per aumentare il tasso di successo della FIVET

Offriamo procedure e metodi specializzati che aumentano significativamente il tasso di successo del trattamento e possono abbreviare il vostro percorso verso la nascita di un bambino.

Esame dello stress ossidativo nell'eiaculato

Lo stress ossidativo influisce sulla qualità e sulla funzionalità degli spermatozoi e provoca danni al loro DNA. Per rilevare lo stress ossidativo utilizziamo il test MIOXSYS, il più rapido e accurato. Questo test aumenta l'accuratezza della diagnosi di infertilità maschile.


Terreno di coltura contenente ormone della crescita che non solo aiuta l'embrione a svilupparsi meglio, ma anche a comunicare con la parete uterina. Aumenta le possibilità di successo del attaccamento dell'embrione.


Glue è uno speciale terreno di coltura contenente ialuronano che funge da "colla".


Il test è destinato a tutte le donne che hanno avuto un piccolo numero di embrioni recuperati durante un trattamento con tecniche di riproduzione assistita o che hanno ripetuti fallimenti di impianto di embrioni.


Un esame che prevede tre test su un campione di rivestimento uterino. L'esame dettagliato dell'ambiente uterino e la determinazione del momento ottimale per l'inserimento dell'embrione possono essere un passo molto importante per chiarire la causa dell'infertilità.

Fissate una consulenza non vincolante con noi

Durante tutta la tua cura sarai accompagnato a dalla nostra coordinatrice che parla italiano.

Le domande più frequenti

In un terzo dei casi, l’infertilità è dovuta a un fattore maschile, in un terzo a un fattore femminile e nell’ultimo terzo a un fattore combinato.

Nello specifico, possiamo dire che negli uomini si tratta per lo più dei parametri spermiografici scadenti, in particolare un basso numero dei spermatozoi e una scarsa motilità o morfologia (forma) degli spermatozoi.

Nelle donne sono coinvolti nell’infertilità i disturbi dell’ovulazione (maturazione e rilascio dell’ovulo), la scarsa qualità dell’ovulo, l’endometriosi, l’ostruzione tubarica, le aderenze nella zona delle ovaie e delle tube di falloppio.

Possono anche essere presenti alcune anomalie genetiche in entrambi i partner che non consentono un corretto sviluppo dell’embrione e causano infertilità o aborti ripetutivi.

Per sottoporsi alla procreazione assistita, una donna ha bisogno della firma del suo partner, che non deve essere necessariamente il suo marito legale. Allo stesso tempo, la donna non è obbligata a nominare quest’uomo come padre del bambino dopo la nascita.

Na základě zákona je možné provádět metody asistované reprodukce do dne 49. narozenin ženy. Zdravotní pojišťovny vám metody a postupy spojené s IVF proplatí do 40. narozenin.

Il consulto con il nostro medico è il primo passo per un trattamento con successo. Durante questo colloquio il medico discuterà con voi la vostra storia familiare e personale, l’andamento degli esami che avete già effettuato e l’andamento degli esami e dei trattamenti che dovete ancora ricevere. Il medico vi informerà anche sui costi e sulle possibilità dei rimborsi da parte della vostra assicurazione sanitaria. Alla consultazione dovete partecipare tutte due – sia uomo ch ela donna.

Una fusione inaspettata di scienza, medicina olistica ed empatia

Cerchiamo le giuste connessioni che vi porteranno alla destinazione desiderata.


Siamo qui per voi


sono nati grazie a noi.


con una malattia rara che abbiamo aiutato

Siamo qui per coloro che non vogliono solo sperare

Ci basiamo su anni di esperienza e sappiamo che ogni storia è diversa e ognuno merita un approccio comprensivo e individuale.

Brno, Ostrava

MUDr. Lenka Hromadová

Senior Medical Consultant


MUDr. Martin Maděrka, Ph.D.

Specialista in FIVET


MUDr. Alena Filková

Specialista in FIVET, dottoressa


MUDr. Zuzana Felsingerová

Specialista in FIVET, dottoressa


MUDr. Veronika Pasnišin

Specialista in FIVET, dottoressa


MUDr. Ilga Grochová

Genetista clinico responsabile

Abbiamo già aiutato 6 000 bambini a nascere nel mondo

Fissate una consulenza non vincolante con noi

Durante tutta la tua cura sarai accompagnato a dalla nostra coordinatrice che parla italiano.

Brno, Studentská 812/6, CZ

Le vostre domande troveranno risposta dal lunedì al venerdì, dalle 7.00 alle 18.00.

Emergenza +420 602 592 842
Ostrava, Dr. Slabihoudka 6232/11, CZ

Alle vostre domande rispondiamo dal lunedì al venerdì, dalle 7.00 alle 15.00.

Emergenza +420 606 029 983
Brno, Studentská 812/6, CZ

Le vostre domande troveranno risposta dal lunedì al venerdì, dalle 7.00 alle 18.00.

Emergenza +420 602 592 842

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Ostrava, Dr. Slabihoudka 6232/11, CZ

Alle vostre domande rispondiamo dal lunedì al venerdì, dalle 7.00 alle 15.00.

Emergenza +420 606 029 983

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1. Consultazione iniziale

The initial consultation is the gateway to the entire IVF treatment. During the 120-minute session, the doctor will discuss your family and personal medical history, and go through all the examinations you have already had. Based on this information, we will suggest the next steps. You will also learn about the approximate costs.

During the consultation, you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have, so we recommend coming with your partner. You don’t have to worry about being overwhelmed with technical terms; the doctor will explain everything to you clearly and understandably.

Throughout your treatment, a single “strategic doctor” will oversee your care, whom you can turn to with all your requirements, wishes, and questions. However, certain specific procedures might be performed by other equally experienced doctors. Our daily coordinators will also be available to guide you throughout the treatment process.


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* Povinné položky

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8. Dopo il trasferimento

After the transfer, enjoy some peace and comfort and take the medication recommended by your doctors. In 14 days, take a pregnancy test from your morning urine. We will call you the same day, ask you about the test results, and we’ll agree on the next steps together.

Most frequently asked questions

Why can’t I take a pregnancy test until 14 days after the transfer?
During the course of IVF treatment, you take a number of drugs that can skew the result towards either a false positive or a false negative. By taking the test after 14 days, you will save yourself the unnecessary stress that could arise from false results.

Yet another control line. What should I do now?
Unfortunately, sometimes things don’t go the way we imagine and good news doesn’t come the moment we long for it the most. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, even IVF treatment is not 100% successful. The IVF success rate varies depending on various factors such as your age, health and mental state. Do what you feel is right. Scream, cry, be silent, talk about it. Give vent to all your feelings. But don’t blame yourself. If you’d like to talk to a psychologist or our staff about this, we’re happy to help.

It was my first IVF failure; should I change my treatment?
With the first or second IVF failure, nothing happens. You don’t have to change anything. But if you’re wondering what else you can do to make sure you get two lines on your pregnancy test next time, we have a few tips for you. Try the beREADY endometrial receptivity test to find out your exact implantation window and determine the ideal time for your next transfer. You can also try the EndomeTRIO test, which, like the beREADY test, determines the implantation window. In addition, however, it also analyses the balance of bacteria in the endometrium and detects bacteria causing chronic inflammation.

Try the beREADY endometrial receptivity test to find out your exact implantation window and determine the ideal time for your next transfer. You can also try the EndomeTRIO test, which, like the beREADY test, determines the implantation window. In addition, however, it also analyses the balance of bacteria in the endometrium and detects bacteria causing chronic inflammation.

Do you believe in a holistic approach? So do we. Alternative medicine may not be what will always guarantee motherhood. However, it is a suitable complement to the methods of Western medicine and can really improve your health significantly.

More about alternative methods

We’ve failed repeatedly, so what now?

Your doctor may offer you the option of treatment using donated reproductive cells. We know that this decision takes time and that you will need to think about it carefully. Take your time. Everything will come when the time is right.

7. Trasferimento dell'embrione

Transferring the embryo into the uterus is one of the most important steps in IVF treatment. In simple terms, it can be described as the transfer of the embryo through a thin cannula through the cervix into the uterus. The procedure is short, usually painless and is performed in the transfer room against a backdrop of relaxing music. During the transfer, you can watch a video recording of the transfer of the selected embryo and your partner can also be present during the procedure.

Embryos are ideally introduced into the uterus at the blastocyst stage. This is the 5th-6th day after the eggs have been fertilized by sperm. One option is to perform a ‘fresh transfer’; the other option is to freeze these embryos and transfer them in the next cycle (cryoembryo transfer – CET). It is the second option that we prefer at Repromeda.

Acupuncture is a suitable complement before and after the transfer. Before the transfer, you will be pleasantly attuned and your pelvic area will be relaxed, making it easier to insert the embryo. After the transfer, acupuncture is used to stimulate the circulation of blood to the uterus, which promotes nutrition and facilitates the proper development of the embryo. In addition, you will find it nice and relaxing.

What if the embryo attachment repeatedly fails?

It may happen that, despite a series of tests showing that nothing is preventing the embryo from attaching, it repeatedly fails to attach. The problem may be caused by a uterine lining that may not be sufficiently prepared for the transfer. The beReady or EndomeTRIO test can help you with this.

  • Based on an analysis of a uterine swab sample, the beREADY test determines your individual implantation window and thus the optimal time for the transfer of the embryo.
  • The EndomeTRIO test performs three tests simultaneously from a single sample of the uterine mucosa. In addition to determining the implantation window, it also analyses the bacterial balance of the endometrium and detects bacteria causing chronic inflammation.
  • A special culture medium called EmbryoGlue can help increase the chances of embryo nesting and subsequent pregnancy. This medium is formulated to mimic the conditions in a woman’s uterus while acting as a “glue”. EmbryoGlue contains all the nutrients needed for optimal embryo development and facilitates attachment to the uterine wall during transfer.

Most frequently asked questions

Why do you prefer cryoembryo transfer or CET in Repromeda?
The main reason is the higher treatment success rate. Why is that? The timing of the transfer to the woman’s next natural cycle, which is no longer burdened by hormonal stimulation (necessary for egg retrieval), increases the success rate. In the following cycles, we are usually able to ensure that the uterine lining is better prepared to receive the embryo. Another reason is the use of preimplantation genetic testing of embryos, which we now perform on most of our patients. In this case, CET is the only option for time reasons. During the delayed transfer, we examine the embryos in our genetic laboratory. In the following cycle, we transfer the most promising embryos.

Is embryo transfer painful?
For most women, this is a painless outpatient procedure. In some women, the cervix may be narrowed because of a developmental defect of the uterus or as a result of inflammation or surgery. In this case, the transfer may be slightly uncomfortable.

Why do you transfer only one embryo during embryo transfer at Repromeda?
Because we know that transferring two or more embryos does not increase the likelihood of pregnancy; it only increases the likelihood of multiple pregnancy. By transferring one embryo, we prevent multiple pregnancies, which pose a risk to both the woman and the children. The final decision on the number of embryos to be transferred is made by the couple in consultation with their doctor. However, we are very happy that the average number of transferred embryos in our clinic is 1.0. Our goal is not only to get you pregnant, but also to see a healthy baby in your arms. This is the only way we ourselves can be satisfied with our work.

Can I have twins after a single embryo transfer?
With a single embryo transfer, multiple pregnancies can only occur in cases of identical twins resulting from the division of the original single transferred embryo.

How likely am I to get pregnant?
The probability of pregnancy after the transfer of one PGT-tested embryo is up to 58%. In most cycles, however, more viable embryos are obtained. Approximately 7 out of 10 couples only need one IVF cycle to achieve pregnancy. During 4 IVF cycles 99% of couples get pregnant.

6. Crioconservazione

Cryopreservation, or the freezing of embryos, allows embryos to be stored for future use. Frozen embryos can be stored for several decades, after which they are thawed and then transferred to the uterus.

These embryos can be used after a failed transfer or if you are considering siblings in a few years. The current cryopreservation technique used in all modern workplaces is vitrification. During this process, the embryos are rapidly cooled to a final temperature of -196 °C in a few seconds, at which the cells are then stored.

We were among the first in the Czech Republic to introduce an open vitrification system in 2020. Thanks to this technique, the thawing success rate after vitrification is significantly higher and we can benefit from all the advantages of cryoembryo transfer (CET).

Most frequently asked questions

Are thawed embryos really just as good as fresh ones? Don’t we have to worry about them being damaged somehow?
Unlike the slow freezing method previously used, vitrification does not produce any ice crystals that could damage the cells. In addition, the cells are stored in special media that protect them from external factors. Even after thawing, the embryos are in excellent condition.

5. Fertilizzazione delle uova e coltivazione

Once we have the reproductive cells, we move to the embryology lab. This is where artificial insemination takes place. The embryologist assesses the quality of the eggs and then fertilizes each egg with one sperm. Fertilization is nowadays performed as standard using active micromanipulation methods (ICSI, PICSI), which significantly increase the embryo formation success rate.

We offer our clients a SpermPacket (for fertilization) containing a suitable combination of methods. This package includes ICSI or PICSI and optimal sperm selection, which is performed in two ways – MACS or a Zymot chip.

The method chosen to select the optimal sperm is based on previous laboratory tests, patient needs and current spermiogram parameters. The MACS method removes defective sperm with fragmented DNA from the ejaculate sample. The Zymot chip method gently sorts out the sperm with the highest motility and viability.

Embryo cultivation

After the egg has been fertilized with sperm, our embryologists monitor your embryos and make sure they develop properly. The embryo is cultured for 5 to 6 days to the blastocyst stage. We offer our clients the use of state-of-the-art MIRI Time-Lapse Incubators. These incubators ensure the best care for the embryos, providing a separate space for cultivation while continuously recording their development via a built-in camera. Since there is no need to remove them from the incubator for microscopic examination, there is no variation in the parameters of the culture conditions.

In cycles where preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), is planned, on the 5th – 6th day of development a few cells are taken from the embryo and this sample is tested in the genetic laboratory. Meanwhile, the embryos are vitrified (frozen).

Most frequently asked questions

What is classical or conventional IVF and why is it so rarely used these days?
This is a method in which eggs and sperm are placed in a “test tube” and we wait to see if spontaneous fertilization occurs without further intervention by an embryologist. However, this original method has a relatively low success rate and has been more or less replaced by the ICSI and PICSI methods.

What does the ICSI method involve?
The ICSI method is the most commonly used micromanipulation technique, in which embryologists actively transfer one sperm into each egg.

For whom is the PICSI method suitable and how exactly does it work?
The PICSI method is suitable for you if the proportion of eggs fertilized by ICSI has been low in previous cycles, if the embryos have not developed as well as they should or if there has been a miscarriage. The main role in the PICSI method is played by hyaluronan, which is an important natural component of the egg envelope. The head of a mature sperm carries a specific receptor that allows it to bind to hyaluronan. With the PICSI method, the embryologist selects for micromanipulation fertilization those sperm that show a positive binding to the hyaluronan gel.

4. Raccolta di ovuli e spermatozoi

Egg retrieval

After the end of hormonal stimulation comes the egg retrieval process, or puncture. It is performed on an empty stomach and under general anaesthesia and usually takes no longer than 10 minutes.

The contents of the follicles are retrieved by a doctor during an ultrasound scan using a puncture needle. For egg retrieval, we use a very thin needle, which, with its significantly smaller tip diameter, is more gentle in penetrating the tissues and thus minimizes the risk of complications.

Embryologists then search for eggs in the follicular fluid, which are fertilized the same day and become embryos.

After retrieval, you take a nap and rest for a while. You can also have a cup of tea and a bite to eat. Just one hour after the procedure, you can go home with your escort and return to your normal activities. We do not recommend driving the day after anaesthesia.

Most frequently asked questions

When and how are eggs retrieved?
The exact retrieval date is selected by the doctor following ultrasound examinations. Ovitrelle must be applied 36 hours before the puncture. Ovitrelle is a laboratory-produced hormone that is injected into a fold of skin in the lower abdomen. No need to worry about forgetting – we’ll send you a text message to let you know when the time is right.

What regimen do I need to follow before egg retrieval?
Don’t smoke or eat or drink anything from midnight before the collection. Then come to our clinic on the morning of the puncture.

What are the advantages of using a thin needle?
The Kitazato needle we use for the puncture has a tip diameter of just 0.912 mm (as opposed to the 1.149 mm needle commonly used). Using this needle is safer and less painful for patients. The treatment is also more comfortable as you need less analgesics and anaesthetics. Laser treatment of the needle tip ensures safer access to the follicle and less resistance from the surrounding tissue.

Sperm retrieval

Sperm is retrieved by masturbating into a sterile container after two to three days of sexual abstinence. Longer abstinence is not desirable, as it might not yield the expected result.

If you find it difficult to collect your sperm, you can go to the retrieval room with your partner. Alternatively, you can bring sperm from home or your hotel (in a container issued by the clinic). However, you have to bring it within one hour and hand it in in person.

3. Stimolazione ormonale

Hormonal stimulation of the woman causes a higher number of eggs to mature in the ovaries than in a natural cycle. This is done by injecting drugs into the abdomen. The application of the medication is simple and painless.

We use only modern drugs for stimulation, which do not harm the body and increase the success rate of the whole treatment.

The stimulation starts on day 2 or 3 of the menstrual cycle and lasts for a total of 10 to 12 days. The application of stimulation drugs is not a complicated process. The nurse will help you with the first dose, and you can easily manage the next one at home.

During the stimulation, you will have regular check-ups where the doctor will use ultrasound and blood tests to check that everything is going well. You can have the ultrasound examinations at your local gynaecologist or at our clinic.

For many years we have been using high-quality Gonal F for hormonal stimulation, which is applied in the form of a pen and is popular for being easy to apply and highly effective.

See how to apply the medication:

Most frequently asked questions

Does hormonal stimulation harm the body?
The greatest hormonal load on a woman’s body occurs during pregnancy. With the hormonal stimulation associated with IVF treatment, hormone levels reach only a fraction of these values. If the stimulation of a woman is conducted correctly, it does not harm the body in any way.

What is ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)?
OHSS is the term used to describe the overreaction of the ovaries to hormonal stimulation. This condition is manifested by pain in the lower abdomen, which is caused by enlargement of the ovaries and the formation of free fluid in the abdominal cavity. Feelings of nausea or vomiting and diarrhoea may also occur. Regular and careful monitoring of the entire stimulation process prevents the development of OHSS.

How often does ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) occur?
With the development of modern stimulants, the risk of ovarian overstimulation syndrome (OHSS) has decreased significantly. Now these cases occur in fractions of a percent.

Are stimulation and hormone injections painful?
Pen injections are injected into the subcutaneous tissue (like insulin) and are not painful. Towards the end of the stimulation, you may feel pressure in your lower abdomen, similar to the sensation before menstruation.

Why do supplementary payments for stimulants vary so much?
In addition to recombinant preparations, which are produced in the laboratory, there are also preparations of urinary origin, which are obtained from the urine of menopausal women.
These are highly purified drugs, but they do not guarantee the quality of stimulation with the reliability and accuracy that we want to offer at our clinic. Although the additional cost of urinary preparations is an order of magnitude lower, no clinical study or our experience has yet convinced us to recommend urinary preparations as a first choice.

Which day is the first day of the cycle?
This is the first day of menstruation, i.e. heavy menstrual bleeding. Light bleeding is not considered the beginning of a cycle. If you start bleeding in the evening after 8 p.m., then the next day is considered the first day of menstruation.

Why do I have to go for check-ups during stimulation?
Your body’s response to stimulation can be individual – depending on your age, weight, egg supply and type of stimulant. That is why we monitor everything closely during the process. At check-ups, the doctor checks the ovary response with ultrasound scans and, if necessary, takes blood samples to check hormone levels.

2. Esame della coppia

At Repromeda, we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. We believe that every couple is unique. Together, we will find a suitable treatment for you with minimal risk of complications and the highest probability of success. For this, however, we need to carry out several initial examinations.

Female examination

In women, we mainly focus on ultrasound examination of the pelvis minor, hormone testing and genetic testing.

  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvis minor and gynaecological examination
    These are examinations that you are familiar with from routine check-ups with your gynaecologist. The ultrasound is performed through the abdominal wall or with a vaginal ultrasound probe and evaluates the shape of the uterine cavity and the position of the ovaries and fallopian tubes.
  • Hormonal profile
    The examination is performed by taking a blood sample, taking into account the phase of the menstrual cycle (2nd-3rd day of menstruation). The hormonal profile is used to determine the exact level of sex hormones.
  • Thyroid hormone examination
    Blood is also used for the thyroid hormone examination, which determines the status of the hormones TSH, fT4, fT3, anti TPO and anti TG.
  • Tests for sexually transmitted diseases
    We perform this test to prevent any complications that STDs may cause at conception. It includes detection of Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Syphilis and HIV.
  • Immunological examination
    Some couples may have immunological causes of infertility, so this examination is also important and will help us determine the next course of action. If necessary, we will recommend further tests or a consultation with a reproductive immunologist
  • Genetic examination
    Couples who have trouble conceiving often have structural chromosomal defects. These can be detected by genetic testing.
    The karyotype test is a basic genetic examination that every couple undergoes. We also offer more advanced genetic tests – PANDA Infertility and PANDA Carrier.
  • Fallopian tube patency test and hysteroscopy
    We perform this test only in indicated cases.

The most frequently asked question

Isn’t this all a waste of time? Once I get the results, I can do IVF and get pregnant soon.
We believe it is just the opposite. Our goal is to save you time and money. We don’t want to subject you to months of unnecessary uncertainty and unsuccessful attempts at getting pregnant. In addition, sometimes these attempts end in an early miscarriage, which means further loss of the time you need to recover both mentally and physically. We do our best to perform all the tests in the shortest possible time and recommend the appropriate procedure for you based on the results of clinical and laboratory tests.

Male examination

With men, a spermogram is essential, which will enable us to suggest the next course of action, as well as genetic and hormone tests.

  • Spermiogram Male fertility is examined through a spermiogram, i.e. an ejaculate analysis. This is the very first examination and it is pointless to carry out any detailed examinations on the woman without knowing the results of the spermogram.
    After consultation with your doctor, you can choose the SpermPacket diagnostic package, which provides a comprehensive picture of the man’s fertility. This includes:

    • a spermiogram,
    • halosperm – determines DNA fragmentation in sperm, i.e. the degree of DNA damage,
    • screening for oxidative stress in the ejaculate – one of the tests used to assess the reproductive capacity of sperm,
    • immasperm – determination of the percentage of mature sperm in the ejaculate.
  • Genetic examination
    Couples who have trouble conceiving often have structural chromosomal defects that can be detected by genetic testing. The karyotype test is a basic genetic examination that every couple undergoes. We also offer more advanced genetic tests – PANDA Infertility and PANDA Carrier.
  • Immunological examination
    Some couples may have immunological causes of infertility, so this examination is also important and will help us determine the next course of action. If necessary, we will recommend further tests or a consultation with a reproductive immunologist.
  • Urological examination
    This is only performed in indicated cases when the man is found to have a more serious spermiogram disorder.

Most frequently asked questions

What does a spermiogram investigate?
The basic parameters of semen examination include volume, pH, liquefaction, as well as sperm count, motility and shape (morphology).

What are the possible results of a spermiogram?
The examination can confirm or rule out sperm pathologies, but it cannot confirm that the man is actually fertile. Fertility is determined by the interaction between male and female fertility or infertility factors. Even if a man has a completely physiological spermiogram, this does not rule out the possibility of other infertility factors – such as gene mutations that can prevent fertilization of the egg.

Can I bring an ejaculate sample from home?
Yes, you can bring an ejaculate sample from home (in a labelled container issued by the clinic). However, you must be able to do this within an hour of ejaculation.

1. Consultazione iniziale

The initial consultation is the gateway to the entire IVF treatment. During the 120-minute session, the doctor will discuss your family and personal medical history, and go through all the examinations you have already had. Based on this information, we will suggest the next steps. You will also learn about the approximate costs.

During the consultation, you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have, so we recommend coming with your partner. You don’t have to worry about being overwhelmed with technical terms; the doctor will explain everything to you clearly and understandably.

Throughout your treatment, a single “strategic doctor” will oversee your care, whom you can turn to with all your requirements, wishes, and questions. However, certain specific procedures might be performed by other equally experienced doctors. Our daily coordinators will also be available to guide you throughout the treatment process.